His Word Media
endeavours to share the good news of the Gospel and aims to strengthen the faith of believers.

A Faith Based Ministry
His Word Media was established in 2020 by a group of Christians in Australia as a faith ministry whose sole purpose is to spread the good news of the Gospel.
Our desire is that our ministry becomes a resource for both believers and non believers in their search for biblical truth.
We intend to produce an ever growing range of outstanding tracts that simply explain biblical truths.
Our tracts are supplied free in Australia to like minded churches and ministries in order to help them reach out to the unsaved.
We believe that in these difficult days that many people will read a well illustrated tract with a short relevant message.
Currently our tract titles include: Are You Going To Heaven? You Must Investigate This! The Titanic, Titanic First Class Boarding Pass, Hero From The Grave, Eternity, Aussie Crocodiles: (Our Crocs Love Tourists), World in Crisis, The Last Days: Are they here? Newcastle’s Big Rescue. Plus Australian and NZ Christmas & Easter Tracts.
We also stock Tourist Tracts for Newcastle, The Northern Territory and Queensland.
If we can assist you in your Gospel outreach then please contact us through our office on 0439 694 356.
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments.
We believe that the creation account written in the book of Genesis is to be understood historically and literally.
We believe God created humanity and that He ordained marriage to be between male and female only.
We believe in the reality of Satan and the fall of man.
We believe that God is three persons in one, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit and that Jesus Christ came to earth and was born of the Virgin Mary.
We believe that mankind is separated from God because of sin and that Jesus Christ died for the sins of humanity, rising from the grave on the third day.
We believe that salvation is all of grace by trusting Christ’s finished work of redemption on the cross for our sins.
We believe that humanity cannot earn their salvation in any way, nor can one lose their salvation. Salvation is a gift and can never be lost.
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer and we look forward to the blessed hope of the personal return of Jesus Christ for His bride, the Church.
We believe in the future restoration of the nation of Israel and that Jesus Christ will establish His Messianic Kingdom which was promised beforehand to the Jews.
We believe in the eternal punishment of the lost and everlasting life for every believer and that there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
We believe in the power of the Gospel and the necessity to warn and win the lost.